
Question-answer Details Discussion/ Two-way discussion (124 IELTS )


Discussion Topic - 'Different kinds of workplaces' & 'The importance of work'.

Q. What things make an office comfortable to work in?
Answer: Well, if I were an interior designer, I would certainly try first to give my office a natural feel and look in order to make it comfortable to work in. Of course, while different people would have different views on this “natural feel and look” thing, my views on this would be that one has to ensure enough natural lights and air inside the office, before anything else, to make it really comfortable. Then, of course, comes things like comfortable furniture, desks and chairs, followed by personalized décor like family pictures and wall arts, among other things to make an office comfortable to work in. Finally, the colleagues someone works with also makes an office a good or bad place to work in.

Q. Why do some people prefer to work outdoors?
Answer: I don’t like to work outdoors for some obvious reasons, but after asking some of my friends this question, I have found that some people prefer to work outdoors, mainly because they just have too much of an “outgoing personality” that always pushes them to explore new things and meet new people every day. Some of them prefer to work outdoor also because they find natural light and air outside of their office environment much more appealing and stimulating (for their brains) in order to become more productive and efficient than the closed working environment.

Q. Do you agree that the building people work in is more important than the colleagues they work with?
Answer: So far, I have had the mixed experience of working both in the nice buildings as well as with some really “unprofessional and uncooperative” colleagues, but I have never really found any evidence which would suggest that the building, people work in, is more important than the co-workers they work with. After all, it is the constant collaboration and cooperation among the office staffs that get the things done in a proper and professional manner, not the lifeless office buildings, even though, a nice building may sometimes offer us a false sense of “feel good” thing.

The importance of work: 

Q. What would life be like if people didn’t have to work?
Answer: I have always flirted with the idea of living in a world where we didn’t have to work at all. But flirting with such an idea and actually implementing it are totally two different things because, after all, our life and the world, we live in, would simply cease to exist if we didn’t have to work. Without the opportunity to work, our lives would probably be too boring and meaningless – boring and meaningless to such a point that we would probably even resort to “destroying” ourselves if not destroying each other.

Q. Are all jobs of equal importance?
Answer: Well, as much as we like the idea of having a world where all jobs are equally important, the reality is that we just can’t have it like that if we really want to move our world forward. And that’s probably why we have some jobs which pay really high while the others just don’t pay that much. Besides, since not all job carry the same degree of importance, we don’t have to have the same level of education, skills and capabilities to do them.

Q. Why do some people become workaholics?
Answer: In my humble opinion, some people become “workaholics” because they just don’t know what else to do with their time. For them, continuous work provides them with a structured way of life as well as some real purpose. Some people could become such workaholics also because it gives them a way to identify themselves and to feel a sense of pride in their achievements and success. Then finally, some people have to work too much out of necessity because this is the only way for them by which they are able to earn enough to provide for their families.


Discussion Topic - 'Status' & 'Ambition':


Q. What kinds of things give status to people in your country?
Answer: Well! education, wealth, money, large house, luxury car, fame, career are some of the things that give status to people in our country. Apart from those, luxury gadgets, political power, expensive dresses and publicity are often considered symbols of status. For instance, people with large houses in a posh area boast about their status and power.

It is not unlikely that people with fame and popularity also enjoys a different type of status that mass people can’t have. Jobs in important government sectors can also be a symbol of status in many societies and finally political power, though controversial in some cases, is also a status symbol in my country.

    Q. Have things changed since your parents’ time?
    Answer: In terms of people’s status in society, things have not changed much between my father's generation and mine. The status symbols I mentioned earlier were almost the same as they are nowadays. Expensive technological gadgets and new brand names might have been added recently as part of people’s status symbol; however, those could be classified as the materialistic achievement which was also present in my parent’s era.

      Q. Do you think advertising influences what people buy?
      Answer: Yes, I think advertisement has a huge impact on people’s purchasing decision. It is quite natural that people would pick a known and branded product than purchasing products from brand names they do not know about.
      People spend a lot of time in front of their television or computer and they are knowingly and unknowingly being influenced by the advertisements and advertisers. Some advertisements even allure us to purchase products we actually do not need at all.


        Q. What are the important qualities to achieve our ambitions?
        Answer: Determination and hard work, in my opinion, are the two most important qualities to fulfil our ambitions and goals. Luck often plays its tricks but I believe fortune always favours the hard-working and strong-minded people to succeed.

        Apart from that, proper planning, timely execution of those plans, expertise and experience are some other qualities we need to achieve our goals in life.

        Q. Are all ambitions good in life?
        Answer: I guess every positive ambition that brings happiness, success, prosperity and well-being of others is a good one. However, we are often driven by our selfishness, greed and materialistic achievements and any ambition which is aimed to fulfil our personal greed is a bad one.

        In general, ambitions, in our life, help us work harder and give meanings to life, and that’s why we should have ambitions, positive ambitions that are.

        Q. What type of ambition young generation in your country has?
        Answer: That’s a good question. The young generation in our country usually aims for a prosperous career and economic freedom. Their ambitions in life also include being someone famous so that people will know them, being a successful and happy person in later life and having a beautiful and nice life partner. They also want to explore the world and want to see a flourishing country in the future where violence and crime would be a thing of the past.

        Q. Would you focus more on achieving your ambition or doing things you love to do?
        Answer: Personally, my ambition in life is quite realistic and not something we hear in fairytales or fictions. Luckily, in my case, being able to do something I love is not different than my ambition. I want to lead a life that would be surrounded by my family members, relatives, friends and people I care about. Being able to set up my own business or doing a job that I would feel interested in is both my ambition and dream.

        Discussion Topic - 'Staying in hotels' & 'Working in a hotel'.

          Answer: With the increasing costs attached to the pursuit of higher education, I think that students should look to earning some money while studying – be it for the sake of covering daily expenses, paying for tuition or miscellaneous academic fees, or just for extra pocket money. Besides, students should look to do some jobs and earn some money while studying also because it would allow them the opportunity to gain some valuable first-hand, experience which, in turn, will prepare them better for the real working world after their graduation.

          Answer: Online shopping is a popular means for many people to take care of their shopping needs, but it is not without its disadvantages. For example, it might prove out to be a bit more expensive than conventional methods of shopping since usually the “convenience factor of online shopping” is also added to the price. Moreover, a customer can not feel and touch a product before deciding which product to purchase and it often leads to frustration and sometimes deceptions as product pictures are often different from the actual products. Besides, delivery of the products on time can also be an issue for many small merchants with online shopping because packing the products, taking them to mail or courier services and then finally delivering to the doorsteps of the customers can be a rather lengthy process.

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